Crew Leader – Responsible for organizing the crew, assigning duties, making decisions, and recognizing the capabilities of each crew member. He/she leads by example and practices servant leadership to allow the crew to have an enjoyable and successful trek. The Crew Leader should have leadership capabilities that are respected by everyone and should be selected prior to the first shakedown hike. Successful Crew Leaders exhibit the following traits: positive attitude, attentiveness to all crew members’ needs, and the ability to identify and resolve conflicts before they develop into larger issues.

Chaplain’s Aide – Leads the crew in following the 12th point of the Scout Law. Helps the crew earn the Duty To God Award and leads daily devotionals from the Eagles Soaring High Booklet. Leads the crew in Thorns and Roses each night. The Chaplain’s Aide should be selected by the crew prior to the first shakedown hike. On the shakedown hikes, it is a great time to start Thorns and Roses with the crew. During Thorns and Roses, each crew member will say their rose (something they liked about the day), thorn (something they disliked about the day), and bud (what they are looking forward to tomorrow or in the near future). Each crew member should be allowed to talk uninterrupted to allow this exercise to facilitate crew bonding.

Wilderness Pledge Guia (Guide) – Helps the crew understand and follow the principles of the Philmont Wilderness Pledge and Leave No Trace. Helps the crew earn the Wilderness Pledge Achievement Award with the help of the Ranger. The Philmont Wilderness Pledge reads as follows:

Through good Scout camping, I pledge to preserve the beauty and splendor of the Philmont wilderness.
I commit myself to: